Q: What has 6 feet and sings?
A: The singing trio.
A collection of best jokes to enlighten your day
Q: What has 6 feet and sings?
A: The singing trio.
Q: You have a basket with 20 apples. You have 20 hungry children. Every child should get an apple but one apple should remain in the basket. How do you do that?
A: You give 19 children one apple each and to the last one you give the basket containing the last apple.
A kindergarten teacher is explaining what “literally” means to her class and asking them what it means.
Teacher: Okay, Does everyone know what “literally” means?
Teacher: Use it in a sentence
Kid 1: Birds literally come out of nowhere
Teacher: That’s not true but it is if you put it as you aren’t paying attention
Kid 2: Pizza is literally the best food ever
[kid walks back]
Kid 3: I literally pooped in the sink
Teacher: Did you really?
Q: How many months in the year have 28 days?
A: All of them.
Q: What nails are a pain to hammer into wood?
A: Your finger nails.
Question: I see an ocean but no water. Where am I?
Answer: In front of a world map.
Q: What animal turns about 200 times around its axis after it dies?
A: A roast chicken.
Q: Which lion is a very good swimmer?
A: The sea-lion.
Q: What question do you always have to answer with “Yes”?
A: How to spell the word YES.
Q: What question can never be answered with a yes?
A: Are you asleep? (or Are you dead?)