Two gangsters are about to break out of prison

Two gangsters are about to break out of prison. The first one jumps off a wall into a trash container.

The guard shouts, “Who’s there?”

Gangster replies, “MEOOOOOOW!”

The guard is relieved, “Ah ok, just a cat.”

Then the second gangster jumps.

The guard gets suspicious, “Hello, anybody there?”

The second gangster yells, “Nah, just the cat again!”

Do you know where we are?

Three guys are flying over a desert in a hot air balloon. They see a man below and yell at him, “Do you know where we are?”

The man thinks about it for a long time and when they’re nearly out of earshot, yells after them, “You’re in a balloon.”

“That was a mathematician,” says one of the aviators. “Why?” asks another. „Because it took him a hell of a long time, the answer is perfectly correct and yet its practical value is zero.”

Give me a beer before trouble starts!

A guy walks into a bar and says urgently to the bartender, “Give me a beer before trouble starts!” He drinks his beer and orders another, again saying, “Give me a beer before trouble starts!” The bartender is confused but lets it go for another two beers, when he finally asks, “Hey man, when are you gonna pay for those beers?” The guy answers, “And now the trouble starts!

You win $10,000

A police officer stops a car and says: “Congratulations, sir! You are the 1,000,000th car to drive over this bridge – you win $10,000! What will you do with that money?”

The driver gets very emotional and says, “First of all, I’ll finally make my driver’s license!” The wife cuts in, “Don’t listen to him, officer, he’s still drunk!”

A hard-of-hearing granny from the back seat grumbles, “I knew we shouldn’t have taken the stolen car!”

A voice from the trunk adds, “Hey, are we past the border now?”

We fill a bathtub with water

A man to a psychiatrist: “How do you select who should be admitted to your facility?”

The psychiatrist replies: “We fill a bathtub with water and give the person a spoon, a cup and a bucket. Then we ask that person to empty the bathtub.”

The man smiles: “Ah, I understand, if you are sane you would take the bucket.”

The Psychiatrist replies: “No, a sane guy pulls the plug. Do you want a room with or without a balcony?”