Q: What question do you always have to answer with “Yes”?
A: How to spell the word YES.
A collection of best jokes to enlighten your day
Q: What question do you always have to answer with “Yes”?
A: How to spell the word YES.
Q: What question can never be answered with a yes?
A: Are you asleep? (or Are you dead?)
Q: Who lives an exhausting life?
A: The exhaust.
Q: Who can smell without having a nose?
A: The cheese.
A: What do you call the fruits of anger?
Q: Smacks.
Q: Is it legal to marry the sister of your widow?
A: Doesn’t matter. You are dead anyways.
A: Who earns money without working a single day?
Q: The night watchman.
Q: When can a man walk on water?
A: When the water gets really cold.
Q: When does a man really like being alone?
A: When he becomes an heir.
Q: What is the longest word in the English language?
A: Smiles. There’s a whole mile between the two Ss.