Knock knock
Whose there?
Boo who?
Why are you crying? This was supposed to make you laugh.
Author: Guest
Knock knock Ho-ho
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Ho-ho who?
You know, your Santa impression could use a little work.
What did the snowman say to the other snowman?
What did the snowman say to the other snowman?
‘Can you smell carrots?’
Two Whales
Two whales are in a bar. One of them turns to the other and says,” Ohooaoaoaoaoaoaooaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaowwwwwoaoaoaoaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooooooo.” The other one turns to the other and says,” Go home, Steve. You’re drunk.”
How do you make Ethiopians rave?
Q: How do you make Ethiopians rave?
A: Stick food to the ceiling.